What’s my BEST diet?

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What’s my BEST diet?

What’s the best diet for me? That’s a good question, huh? Have you ever wondered what exactly IS the best diet for you? Is it Paleo? Alkaline? Detox diet? Kosher? Candida diet? Blood Type? Raw? Kosher? Vegan? How about vegetarians? Or perhaps all protein with meat? Or maybe the best is the plant-based diet? Yes! That must be the ticket – it’s got to be the plant-based!

Whew! Have you already tried some of these? How were the results? You were probably very hopeful at the beginning but by the end, you realized maybe it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Things didn’t really pan out as expected in the end.

Suffice it to say, there is a lot of confusion when it comes to the issue of diet.

This is why we Test instead of Guess. Guess what? There IS an IDEAL diet for YOUR body. All we have to do is ask your blood. Your blood carries immune markers (IgA, IgG, IgE) which will reveal, with great precision, exactly what you should and should not be eating. You can get a clear list of DO and DO NOT. A diet based upon such a food sensitivity blood test will be the best choice for your overall health.

That’s why we call this a DIET MYTH. It is inaccurate to say that diet alone will cure any serious medical condition. If that were true, there would only be health food stores and no need for a health care system.

At the NCC, we determine the best diet for your body based upon a medical lab test and not the whim of the day. Your diet then becomes an important part of a Healthy Trinity treatment strategy.

The correct diet for your body IS an essential part of a comprehensive plan that will include natural remedies and supplements plus positive mind-body changes which together can activate the healing power of your body.