The 5 Phases

Whole Body Health & Regeneration - Treatments in FL

The Five Phase Treatment Program offers a common sense,systematic approach to whole body health and regeneration.

Even the most hardcore allopathic drug and surgery clinicians (MDs) have been forced to accept complementary and alternative approaches to healing disease. (1) Developed after many years of close clinical observation and testing, every truly effective health-wellness program will use all or part of this system (sometimes you will hear of 3 or 4 phases which means they are combining some steps)

A master strategy for any health challenge that is refined for your individual situation. It can be done in sequential steps, or with several phases done at the same time, or whole parts can be skipped. We determine the path for you based on clinical testing and health history.

A five phase treatment program is shown in this diagram.

Phase 1: Start Up/Alkalize

This takes place while we wait for any tests you may need (inner ecology, food allergy, toxic metals, etc). During that 3-5 week period, you will learn the scientific basis and the practical applications for the amazing PH miracle acid-alkaline balance as well as get some diet support and begin some supplements to jump-start the healing process. The importance of this Phase as you begin this serious wellness program can not be overstated. Without this critical step, your chances of lasting recovery are diminished. With it, your success is almost certain.

Phase 2: Replace

The Replace Phase, which may be part of your Start-Up, refers to these three basic things:

The Replacement of deficient micro-nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.

The Replacement of Enzymes and other digestive factors lacking or limited in the GI (gastro-intestinal) environment. Enzymes such as pepsin, proteases, lipases, and saccharides, as well as hydrochloric acid (HCl) are all necessary for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. Furthermore, HCl has been shown to effectively kill harmful organisms in the GI tract which results in the decreased likelihood and severity of certain bacterial and parasitic intestinal infections.

Phase 3: Re-Inoculation

The Replacement of healthy macro-nutrient foods (protein, carbs, oils) which help, not hurt the body, nutrients to create a healthy balance of desirable microflora in the GI tract. Probiotics include “friendly” bacteria like various species of Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. Probiotics synthesize various vitamins, assist with intestinal cell growth and function, prevent the colonization of harmful bacteria, and help break down toxins. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that selectively stimulate the growth of friendly flora and discourage pathogenic bacteria. They include fructooligosaccharides (FOS), specific fibers, arabinogalactans, Lacto-Ferron, lactoperoxidase, and immunoglobulins (IgGs). There are many types of pre and probiotics. It can be very confusing which is why we prefer testing to discover exactly what your body needs.

Phase 4: Regenerate & Repair

This refers to providing support for the healing and growth of the GI mucosa (the lining of your intestinal tract). Candida infestation usually results in a condition called “leaky gut” which results in food allergies, fatigue, and irritable bowel. Acidic foods may re-injure or irritate the mucosa. Specific nutritional support is crucial for reversing GI dysfunction and eliminating the chronic diseases associated with it. Important nutrients for support of GI regeneration include vitamins and related carotenoids for their antioxidant effects and select amino acids. You may do a comprehensive Liver Repair as well as an Intestinal or leaky gut Repair. The soothing alkalizing diet is particularly helpful for the healing and regeneration of the GI tract. Your diet is determined by testing and with the help of a diet Health Coach.

Phase 5: Remove Phase

This Phase focuses on eliminating harmful bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, and parasites from the GI tract. This is where you actually get rid of the bugs. It is done in two ways. First, by changing the inner ecology with the previous steps such as on-going alkalizing and “elimination” diet (since foods to which you are intolerant or allergic can worsen GI dysfunction and stimulate negative immune and inflammatory responses). Next, the actual Remove Phase begins in earnest with multiple herbal botanicals which have been carefully selected based upon your stool sensitivity test. (2) This Phase lasts in a cycle between 4-12 weeks and may have to be repeated depending on the severity. Most importantly, this Phase is done only after proper preparation of the bowel, immune system and liver (usually 4-6 weeks of prior Replace and Repair Phases). Without these preparatory phases, the problem could worsen and return.