CANDIDA Yeast overgrowth

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    CANDIDA Yeast overgrowth

Leaky Gut Symptoms & Issues in Florida by National Candida Center

Leaky Gut is a symptom of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). It’s a major gastro-intestinal disorder that occurs when tiny holes are created on the intestinal cell wall. One cause is due to candida overgrowth. How? When the Candida yeast bug is feed sugar it can evolve through 4 stages of complexity. In one stage it grows roots (or hyphae) which are long, branching filament structures. The hyphae spread the cells apart and by doing so, allow acidic toxins or harmful micro-organisms to pass (or leak) through these openings and enter the circulatory system. When this occurs, the immune system is alerted to the invader and creates antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgE, IgM) for protection and this causes the symptoms of the common food allergy / sensitivity.Therefore, food allergies / sensitivity are directly linked to leaky gut (intestinal hyper-permeability) and candida yeast infection overgrowth, A “leaky gut” creates many common inflammatory and immune-related symptoms like:

If it is chronic (a long time) it can develop into major auto-immune disorders like:· Rheumatoid arthritis (joint pain),· Crohn’s disease,· Ankylosing spondylitis, · Multiple Sclerosis, · Eczema skin issues (rash)· Fibromyalgia (muscle pain) · Raynaud’s phenomenon· Urticaria (hives), to name just a few. These are all generally referred to under the heading of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).