FooD ALLERGY signs and symptoms
FOOD ALLERGY symptoms ranked from mild to severe. MILD ALLERGY meansthe symptoms you experience tend to be uncomfortable but not severe, such as: MODERATE meansmore persistent, more frequent, lasts longer or more intense of any above plus these: SEVERE means a reaction known as anaphylaxis. If someone develops any of these conditions, do not hesitate to seek immediate or emergency medical treatment: A specific food triggers these reactions within 24 hours of eating. Most food allergy is caused by leaky gut. IF you have any of these reactions, consider a specific food allergy test. (Not usually covered by your insurance, so plan to pay out of pocket). But it will give you a useful list of (1) Foods you can eat freely, (2) Foods you can eat sparingly, and (3) Foods you should never eat at least until you heal theleaky gut.Not all tests are the same and not all treatment is effective, so call or email for details. Get your testing done before the holidays and start a Health and Wellness Program at the New Year.