Self Test 2 - My Body Fluids
We know this is NOT an accurate scientific test BUT it IS a real INDICATION of the density of your fluids which can harbor micro organisms and possible be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome.
You heard it right – – this is a spit test.
The best time to do this test is the first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. Before you rinse, spit, or put anything in your mouth, go get a glass of water (in a clear glass). Now build up a bunch of saliva (just mouth saliva, do not cough up anything) and spit it into the glass of water. Observe what happens.
The saliva will float. That is OK and normal. If within 15 minutes you see thin projections extending downward into the water, it is a positive sign for candida. The projections may look like hair, or small strings, like a jelly fish or spider legs, moving down into the water from the saliva floating on the top. Other positive indications might be very “cloudy” saliva that will sink to the bottom of the glass within a few minutes or particles that slowly sink or suspend below the saliva glob. What you are seeing are colonies of yeast which band together to form the strings.