Your 5 paths of Elimination

During this major healing transformation you are now undergoing, we want to maximize all the pathways of elimination. Doing so will minimize your ‘healing crisis’ (aka, ‘die off’ or Hurtzheimer Reaction – all the same thing). Different types of gunk exits the body through different pathways and all is well unless one clogs up which in turn backs up the others and those poor guys will have to work harder to carry the extra load. Soon we have a stinking mess. On the other hand, when all 5 channels are open and clear, everything works just fine.

Here’s how to enhance the 5 Pathways of Elimination in your body that you can directly, with powerful intention, influence:

  1. URINATION. If you are drinking Nitro super Greens daily (one cup hourly) then you will be urinating every 30-40 minutes. This is a good flush of all tissue. The Nitro super Greens will not only hydrate the body but also help alkalize blood and enrich hemoglobin (and oxygen). You can take a two day break on the weekend. You can also increase the amount of Super Greens from 1 to 2 scoops per quart. You can add lemon, lime or xylitol for taste.
  2. DEFICATION. This means a regular daily bowel movement with a large stool. No exceptions. If you are eating the proper diet* and taking fiber plus probiotics you should be on target. Also, remember to SQUAT when moving the bowels (if you need instructions, ask for the Squat PEP Step info). Proper diet and taking fiber means 4 day rotation (for leaky gut) and medical smoothie (very specific, not raw) probiotics means based on our inner ecology stool test.
  3. PERSPIRATION. We also want to maximize the largest organ of your body to eliminate toxins. That would be your skin – also called the 3rd kidney. It will ooze all kinds of gunk from years of accumulated tar, nicotine and sludge. Epsom salt baths (use a lot of Epsom salt) are helpful to help alkalize the acids. Foot baths are good too. If you are not exercising and breaking into a sweat, then how soon can you start? A simple walk for 30 minutes a few times a week will suffice IF you make it a power walk (which means force yourself to walk faster than normal, swing your arms, take deep breaths). For deeper cleaning use a sauna every other day, perhaps at a gym. If not available, you can do one at home (if you need instructions, ask for the Home Sauna PEP Step info).
  4. RESPIRATION. The power walk mentioned above will suffice for deep breathing. But there is more. Before your afternoon meditation period you can begin with “The 5 Breath method” which is 4 slow but forceful long deep breaths with the final 5th exhale so slow and so long that you could not feel the air coming out your mouth if you were to put your hand in front of it. After that, just keep your eyes closed and proceed to awareness meditation. (if you need instructions, ask for the Meditation PEP Step info). Research shows that people who work out for hours gain no more aerobic benefit than someone who spends just 20 minutes 3 times a week getting to and maintaining a fast breath and fast heartbeat. Most gyms have jogging machines which automatically measure your heart rate and show your ideal ‘target’ based on age and weight.
  5. INTEGUMENTATION or expression through your Integumentary System. This final 5th pathway is one which you can’t do much about yet it expresses our individual identity quite dramatically – our hair and nails. They move at a much different pace than Starbuck speed, slowly growing over months instead of minutes. But we love them just the same. They can reveal hidden mysteries about the body’s inner core (toxic metal load).

In summary, when your body creates waste (which it has been doing the whole time you read this) you are going to pee it out, poop it out, sweat it out or breath it out and now you know how to – help it out.

Oregano Oil Warning

Most people have heard about the healing properties of oregano oil but recent test results indicate otherwise.

In a review at the National Candida Center of 25 three day stool collection lab tests that presented with pathogenic yeast or bacteria overgrowth, sensitivities were measured for various herbal and prescriptive agents that could be used for Removal of the bug. To our surprise, the herbal botanical OREGANO OIL was found to be 72% NOT effective for yeast (candida species) and 56% NOT effective for bacteria (various species).

The sensitivity was measured on a scale of 0-6. A ‘0’ means a microbe was fully resistant against oregano oil, at 1-2 oregano was minimally effective and therefore not recommended, 3-4 had moderate effectiveness and level 5-6 was very effective and therefore useful to kill yeast or bacteria.

Said another way, oregano was found to be effective against yeast only 28% of the time. That means if you are using oregano you have a 70% chance (7 in 10) of making an inner ecology dysbiosis WORSE by strengthening the bug and extending its resistance to other medicines.

These results are not mere speculation, mood or testimony of whether someone “felt good” or not. These results are from actual patient stool cultures where 7 different herbal botanicals were applied to measure the effectiveness of controlling the pathogenic microbe.

By comparison, other remedies were 70, 80, or 100% more effective, yet oregano is widely used in many OTC, health food store remedies and is inevitably making people’s conditions worse, not better.

This dramatic finding is why we always TEST instead of GUESS when choosing a remedy for SIBO, gas, bloating or any IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) condition.

This blog post is not to disavow the potential of oregano in other applications. However, given its wide use for almost every form of bowel health over many years, it appears to have lost effectiveness much like penicillin did as an effective antibiotic.

We recommend to stop its random use and TEST instead of GUESS. That means do a sophisticated test that will show both the sensitivity and resistance of various remedies.

To get information about testing contact us at [email protected], or send a message on our website.

Natural vs Drug medicine

The “mainstream” healthcare industry in the USA and Europe is called allopathy.  It is based on drugs and surgery. This allopathic model is based on an idea called scientific reductionism – reducing or contracting everything to the simplest form.  There are other systems of medicine that are based on expansion and natural principles of inclusion and wholeness.  Rather than reduce and exclude, they look at the whole body and environment to find a cause.

There are countless examples—for example, a person with a cold. In the allopathic drugs and surgery model, your doctor focuses on the symptoms and gives you an OTC or Rx medication to eliminate (suppress) them.   A natural-based healthcare provider might look at the bigger picture and discover your cold is the result of excessive stress which was breaking you down and weakening your immune system from the last two weeks when you were working 12 hours a day, had too little and disturbed sleep, too much junk food, and were burning the candle at both ends.

See what a difference CONTEXT makes? The end result (a cold) is the same but understanding the CAUSE makes all the difference in HOW this can be treated. This is where natural medicine is totally different than allopathic drugs and surgery.

It is like driving your car down the highway when suddenly you see the red dashboard light start flashing,  Danger!  So you pull over.  The allopathic approach is to simply cut the wires so the flashing red light goes off.  “Red light problem solved,” they say.   The holistic approach would be to pull over, then lift the hood and find out WHY the light is flashing and get to the root cause of the problem.  It is a very different approach.  One is symptom or disease management.  The other is about actually healing the problem by discovering the root cause of the symptoms.

The natural approaches to healing have been around a long time.  Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine go back 2000 years.  Older still is the 3000-year-old system called Ayurveda which is still widely used to this day throughout the world because, like acupuncture, its principles are based on natural laws that are as valid today as then.    Ayur means life and Veda means knowledge so AyurVeda means the Knowledge of Life.  In it (and the other natural systems) we find instructions about how to eat, drink, proper diet, the best way to sleep, exercise, and even think.    Sounds pretty modern, huh?  As the old saying goes, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

Here at the NCC, our motto is “Natural alternatives to drugs and surgery”.  Every – and that means EVERY – man made drug has harmful side effects in the body.  Even the lowly aspirin, the simplest of all drugs, has harmful side effects because it’s original natural source has been chemically altered artificially so that it can be patented (protected by the manufacturer).  Aspirin comes directly from white willow bark which has been used by natural herbalists and native people for centuries.   Another example is the well known sedative drug Valium which comes from the natural valerian root.   Many Rx drugs today trace their roots back to these natural sources.

When your body needs healing it is important to know and remember that you have OPTIONS and those options include a natural approach to healing.  There is nothing wrong with drugs or surgery but they should be used as a last resort and only if the natural approaches have failed – which they rarely do.

What’s my BEST diet?

What’s the best diet for me? That’s a good question, huh? Have you ever wondered what exactly IS the best diet for you? Is it Paleo? Alkaline? Detox diet? Kosher? Candida diet? Blood Type? Raw? Kosher? Vegan? How about vegetarians? Or perhaps all protein with meat? Or maybe the best is the plant-based diet? Yes! That must be the ticket – it’s got to be the plant-based!

Whew! Have you already tried some of these? How were the results? You were probably very hopeful at the beginning but by the end, you realized maybe it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Things didn’t really pan out as expected in the end.

Suffice it to say, there is a lot of confusion when it comes to the issue of diet.

This is why we Test instead of Guess. Guess what? There IS an IDEAL diet for YOUR body. All we have to do is ask your blood. Your blood carries immune markers (IgA, IgG, IgE) which will reveal, with great precision, exactly what you should and should not be eating. You can get a clear list of DO and DO NOT. A diet based upon such a food sensitivity blood test will be the best choice for your overall health.

That’s why we call this a DIET MYTH. It is inaccurate to say that diet alone will cure any serious medical condition. If that were true, there would only be health food stores and no need for a health care system.

At the NCC, we determine the best diet for your body based upon a medical lab test and not the whim of the day. Your diet then becomes an important part of a Healthy Trinity treatment strategy.

The correct diet for your body IS an essential part of a comprehensive plan that will include natural remedies and supplements plus positive mind-body changes which together can activate the healing power of your body.