CANDISOL beat yeast naturally

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CANDISOL beat yeast naturally


… is not the enemy. It is a normal part of your inner ecology or microbiome. It should be in a 1:10 balance with other healthy probiotic flora. That ratio keeps it under control. When a toxic shock happens (like antibiotics, excess alcohol, Rx drugs like birth control or acid imbalance – read our pH Miracle post) that causes an inner ecology disturbance. Your healthy flora dies off and is replaced by Yeast Overgrowth and that’s when problems appear called Dysbiosis (dys-function of the biosis or microbiome) which can present as ANY, some, or all, of these symptoms – gas, bloating, itching, burning, constipation, diarrhea, skin rash, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, weight gain or loss, etc). Our website ( has 4 free tests for you to take in order to discover how serious is your problem.


All living things eat and eliminate waste. When candida overgrows into a yeast infection it eats your food leaving you malnourished and tired. Naturally, you crave some sweets to boost energy. This feeds the candida yeast. Then it creates toxic waste (called mycotoxins) which clogs and disturbs your entire body causing symptoms such as itching, redness, brain fog (why did I come in this room?) unclear thinking, dizziness, difficulty focusing, depression, anxiety and emotional up and down or vaginal discharge,


Pharmaceutical solutions can cause worse problems so we use them only as a last resort. Fortunately, candida yeast can be controlled naturally. Herbs can cause resistance just like an antibiotic. Both can create a common condition called “die-off” which simply means an overwhelm of the body’s natural defense and elimination. A better solution is found in a natural product called CANDISOL.

An Enzymes Solution

Candida yeast is a unique category of living creature. It is neither a plant nor an animal yet has qualities of both. It is a fungus. The Fungus Family has 4 members – molds, yeasts, fungus and mushrooms. Anyone with a yeast candida problem should never eat mushrooms of any kind. The significance here is that its qualities as a plant mean it creates a bark-like dense fiber cell wall for protection. CANDISOL contains very specific naturally occurring enzymes in the proper dose to digest that outer protective layer. When taken properly (in the right dose and frequency) the enzymes digest the protective cell wall layer and the yeast dies. Good riddance.

If you have this problem and need help then email ([email protected]) or call us (407.321.1377) to get some CANDISOL and the protocol of how to use it most effectively, which includes diet recommendations.