Your 5 paths of Elimination
During this major healing transformation you are now undergoing, we want to maximize all the pathways of elimination. Doing so will minimize your ‘healing crisis’ (aka, ‘die off’ or Hurtzheimer Reaction – all the same thing). Different types of gunk exits the body through different pathways and all is well unless one clogs up which in turn backs up the others and those poor guys will have to work harder to carry the extra load. Soon we have a stinking mess. On the other hand, when all 5 channels are open and clear, everything works just fine. Here’s how to enhance the 5 Pathways of Elimination in your body that you can directly, with powerful intention, influence: In summary, when your body creates waste (which it has been doing the whole time you read this) you are going to pee it out, poop it out, sweat it out or breath it out and now you know how to – help it out.